Sunday, May 18, 2008

Habitat for Humanity

The very first non-for profit organization I had worked for was Habitat for Humanity. Habitat is an organization that raises the money and builds affordable housing for people who would not be able to afford a place to live otherwise. What happens is that other people help to fundraise the money to pay for the supplies for the house and then volunteers come in to actually build the house. They teach you how to do whatever part of the job you are doing on the site, and all you have to do is come in rearing to go in comfortable cloths ready to work. It’s a lot of fun and one of the more hands on organizations out there!

After Katrina my school actually built a house in pieces to be shipped down to one of the areas which had been struck. Habitat for Humanity can be found all over the United States and all over the world!

Now after the disasters in China and Myanmar they are working on building teams to work on rebuilding homes over there as well.

If you would like more information you can go to:

Thanks for reading! Take care everyone!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Dare to Dream

Have you ever dared to dream of a better world? Where people helped each other not for the sake of getting something out of it but just because they can? I know I have, and looking around me I’ve met people like this, who create organizations or do random jobs for the sheer purpose of helping another. Most of the time, these helpers are not paid much attention to, until you need them, and so people tend to forget they exist. They are still out there.

Over the last few years I’ve worked with a couple of non for profit organizations and helped to fundraise for them. I feel no matter what I do it is never enough to help, thus why I’m starting this blog.

I want to introduce to readers the amazing people who do jobs that they may normally not know exist, while suggesting ways people can help in case anyone is interested. Also, I would like to share what I have been doing to help out and hopefully find people who will join me in my own projects.

The only way to make a difference is to first have a goal or a dream to change the world for the better. So I dare anyone who reads this to dare to dream with me.